I woke up and over 100,000 (mostly people of color) had died of COVID-19.
I woke up and George Floyd (a black man) was killed by a white police officer who took a knee on his neck for 8 minutes.
I woke up to cities burning because people are tired of injustice and inequality.
I woke up to protesters being shot for exercising their rights.
I woke up to a President who called for fellow citizens to be shot for lawfully protesting.
I woke up to white protesters with guns allowed to enter a State Capitol and disrupt a legislature in session without penalty.
I woke up to a President who called COVID-19 a “Chinese Virus” and Asian-Americans have been attacked.
I woke up to people feeling outraged that they should actually give a damn about other people by simply wearing a mask.
I woke up to the headline Two Deadly Viruses are Killing Americans: COVID-19 and Racism.
I woke up to what is “normal” in America.
I woke up to the truth of white supremacy which is destroying our nation.
I woke up to realize my place as a minority in America.
I woke up crying Namo Amida Butsu for all who are suffering.
I woke up crying Namo Amida Butsu for myself.
I woke up crying Namo Amida Butsu for the healing of our communities.
I woke up crying Namo Amida Butsu because all I can do is entrust.
Every day I wake up to the working of greed, hatred, and ignorance in our world.
Every day I wake up to the working of wisdom and compassion which has turned my heart toward justice and love.
Every day I wake up to Namo Amida Butsu.
Every day I wake up ready to help build the America that should be.
Every day I wake up ready to try.